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Elementary School Nurse's Office

 The nurse's office has an open door policy and often collaborate with counselors, other medical professionals, educators, parents and the students, themselves, to ensure they are as healthy as they can be and prepared to learn. Please feel free to reach out with any concerns about your child.

Please check the main Health Services website for any forms that need to be downloaded in relation to Physicals, Dentals etc.

Per the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s School Health program, students need a dental exam, physical exam, and vision screening before/during Kindergarten. Immunizations must be completed by the start of Kindergarten.

Contact Us

Page Kozak, Nurse
Early Childhood Center and Hershey Elementary School
Fax: 717-508-2266

Darlene Heisey, Nurse Assistant
Early Childhood Center and Hershey Elementary School

Lorraine Pawlush, Nurse Assistant
Early Childhood Center and Hershey Elementary School

district-wide Health Services Information