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Parent Teacher Organization

The Derry Township Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is an active service organization involving parents who help at school and at home. Its purpose is to provide programs, coordinated with the elementary curriculum, that enrich the students’ educational experience.

PTO meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month during the school year (no meeting in December). Each PTO committee is represented by at least one of its committee chairpersons or an individual designated from each committee.  

For any questions about PTO or any of its committees, please email them at:

Contact HES PTO

Please join our PTO Facebook page
Hershey Elementary School PTO - be sure to answer the questions so we can approve your request.

PTO Officers

President: Brianne Yeagley
Vice President: Shailja Sharma
Treasurer - Distributing: Erika Luongo
Treasurer - Depositing: Tracy Crawford
Publicist/Secretary: Jenn Adolf

Full PTO Officer List